I am enjoying this new venture in embroidery. It's June and I didn't think I would be dead in the water so soon. However, changes in life occur and here we are.
What caused this temporary lull? My husband got a new job and we are moving across the country. Yay! but that means we have to have the house in pristine condition, find a new house, and get everything unpacked to start up again. This time hasn't gone to waste. I have created some new designs for t shirts, found new designs, and have lots of ideas in mind. I've also had some ideas for the upcoming holidays, (Halloween and Christmas).
Working on advertising has been frustrating. Recognizing that there are many others that are better at marketing and advertising has led to outsourcing some of these tasks as I want to concentrate on designing and making quality home goods and apparel. My list of ideas is growing and should have new items for the shop soon as well as my list for really understanding what makes quality embroidery design and stitching.
What I'm still learning is patience. When things become too hard, stop and look at the blocks. What makes it so hard? Perhaps it is the timing; perhaps not. What I know is that things always work out the way they are meant to. With perseverance and diligence, patience will come. And just like finding a new home, things will fall into place and production will begin again!